I’ve been seeing emojis breaking on a public site I operate, the acl is set to private and is marked as secure with the reason access control post dictates security | source: post creator.
Running the uploads:secure_upload_analyse_and_update task fixes the problem but then it occurs again a few days later. This also happened with the site logo once but never happened again.
Hey @Wolftallemo , this is kind of a tricky problem when custom emojis (or any publicly accessible upload that may be used in a post) and secure uploads are combined. A while ago we started using an UploadReference table to see what is linked to what upload, however when we migrated to this table we set all the created_at datetimes to the same thing. The consequence of this is that when we are checking whether the first use of an upload is public or not for security purposes, sometimes the ordering is off and we use the wrong thing, since if both things have the exact same created_at then PostgreSQL just does its own thing:
Your mention of this made me re-examine this once more, and I think we can deal with this better by ordering on created_at ASCthenid ASC, so if there are any of these conflicts the real first record should be used.
If problems persist after this is merged (I will try to get it merged today) and you have uploaded your site, then we can discuss further options, but I do have a suspicion that this is the issue for you. You can confirm it by doing this and comparing results on your site:
CustomEmoji.find_by(name: "success").upload.upload_references.order("created_at ASC")
CustomEmoji.find_by(name: "success").upload.upload_references.order("created_at ASC, id ASC")
The first should have a Post as the target_type, the second should have the CustomEmoji as the target type.
Interesting, it is returning the correct thing then. For the linked upload, can you post the security_last_changed_reason and security_last_changed_at values and see whether access_control_post_id is filled in? It should not be marking that upload secure when the first reference is the custom emoji. Try this too:
LEFT JOIN posts ON upload_references.target_type = 'Post' AND upload_references.target_id = posts.id
.where("posts.deleted_at IS NULL")
.order("upload_references.created_at ASC, upload_references.id ASC")
Interesting, and was the custom emoji used in that post? What gets returned when you run that upload reference code above with that upload ID? Running this with the upload record and posting the result would be helpful too:
LEFT JOIN posts ON upload_references.target_type = 'Post' AND upload_references.target_id = posts.id
.where("posts.deleted_at IS NULL")
.order("upload_references.created_at ASC, upload_references.id ASC")
If we really need to, you could just set the CustomEmojiUploadReference record’s created_at date + time to something earlier than any of the other UploadReference records for that upload, but you shouldn’t have to.
I should have clarified. The upload id was correct, the post id was not (which was how I ended up with the post not containing the emoji - the one i pasted here was correct, but I typed it wrong when trying to find it)
All of the other commands still return the same thing
And it should be resolved…I really think this will mostly be an issue with older uploads since this migration. Another thing you may be able to do is delete the custom emoji, re-upload it, then run: