Enable Image move button

In my Discourse web, when i touch in image on Android Device or laptop, the image not display with popup but go to the link image.
How can i view image same Meta page?
Thank you!

I can see those buttons on your site using safe mode to disable unofficial plugins. So the issue is probably a plugin


When I choose either of these options then Move Button is display

  • Disable unofficial client-side plugin customizations
  • Disable all client-side plugin customizations
    What is the next step I take?
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I can see the lightbox being blocked on your site:

As Moin stated, the issue is from a plugin.
Looking at your plugins list, there is a suspicious one: Discourse Events Extra.

What is this plugin? I can’t find any information about it.
I see some possible code that could interfere with the lightbox.



Thank you so much, i disable this plugin :slight_smile:

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