Error occurs when saving group settings on badges admin page

Whenever I use the Save button on the group settings modal at the Badges admin page, I get “Sorry, an error has occurred”



Yea I can repro this on my site too.

A warning message stating "Sorry, an error has occurred." is visible on the computer screen.  (Captioned by AI)

What is weird is if you close that modal and reload the badge page and open the badge group settings again, the changes were saved :face_with_monocle:

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That’s why I thought it isn’t a bug. The button works, it just says it doesn’t.

I think if you add a new section, it is saved even if you don’t click “Save” at all.

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yea I’m messing around with it right now and I’m also getting theme template errors which confused me at first. I would still call it a bug if it is not displaying the changed setting and also showing an error message to the admin.

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Thanks, should be fixed in:


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