Federation support for Discourse

Yes, that’s absolutely the right concept!

Would each forum have the ability to host remote updates out of the box, so essentially it would be an alternate ‘view’? How would you cope with opening up Topics from this view? New tab per remote forum? Obviously there would need to be some kind of security and perhaps you would only receive fully ‘public’ Topics?

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I think publishing of Discourse topics for remote follow is what should be aimed for.

Forum users following who-knows-what remote content should be an explicit non-goal, especially for the first versions. That’s not what Discourse is built to do; leave it to the generalist content viewers.

Discourse following of federated content feeds should be implemented in a way similar to the RSS plugin.


Is this something like the StackExchange of discourse ?


No, more like Mastodon?

Like a forum of forums? I’m very new to this idea though.

I would say the best way to describe might be ‘an aggregator of all chosen sources’, perhaps a Topic List with the Latest combined from n sources.

It’s open to debate what happens when you click on a topic. Perhaps, if the source is a remote forum, you are just redirected to the source forum immediately in a new tab. So you might argue it’s not a forum of forums as you are still deferring to each local forum to interact further.

This all comes down to a more detailed functional specification.


Yes that’s a good simple approach at least to begin with.

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Is it just me or has this already been implemented, to some extent at least? Look at this:


Here we’re talking about Web-wide federation not only among Discourse instances, but across the Fediverse using the ActivityPub protocols.


Ah I see, thanks! I didn’t know about the Fediverse - looks very cool!


FYI, the SocialHub has moved under ActivityPub.rocks, the official home of the AP community, and Discourse has a category there:


I don’t so much about Federation and ActivePub but what I had in mind when I looked about this topic it having one user to connect into every discourse and having the “historic of this person” more or less like on stackoverflow where you are able to see on which forum the user is active and his accomplishment.

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See these options. They are current methods for integrating activitypub. All are quite nice.


Forem apparently has a browser extension for federation going already. Haven’t tried it out, but maybe interesting for others on this topic:


Interesting, but it does not federate… also website doesn’t actually link to any information besides airtable.

Github repo
Software is used to power a community called Dev.to and thisMMAlife which are similar to Discourse meets Facebook.

Might be worth checking out Prismo, which is a Reddit Clone / Link Aggregation service built on Ruby, PostgreSQL and ActivityPub


I have a Mastodon instance up and working now for about a year. I would like to make my instance of Discourse operate the same, be able to follow other instance and receive their message. is there a up to date document walk you through setting this up, would be nice if it was a menu selection. I LOVE how easy it is to upgrade Discourse just a matter of press a button. Awesome

Consider using an RSS reader to subscribe to /top.rss.


You can use feed2toot. It supports multiple RSS feeds and can filter what it re-posts.

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Are there instruction on where and how to install the option


When I execute the commands
feed2toot --populate-cache -c /etc/feed2toot/feed2toot.ini

I get this error
The parent directory of the lock file does not exist: /root/.config

I saw nothing in the instruction about this file

