Just wondering if there is a supported way to clean this up? I saw a few posts about clearing the email_log table but that can have some repercussion in usability?
Is there a more appropriate place to clean up? I have trimmed our backups down to 1 and that helped. But I need to recoup several gigs.
I am trying to get my storage upgraded but at the moment that isn’t a choice I can easily make.
Any other areas where I can clean up? I have done apt-get autoremove, and autopurge and launcher clean
So I currently have 26GB free which is great, however I’m still ruinning the old PostGre version. Have been having Perf issues lately so I really want to upgrade PostGre but it requires “double” the storage space to do that.
I’ve been limping along with the old one, but I was hoping to get upgraded. I need like a couple of gigs to meet the “double” threshold required by postgre for upgrade.
Been running the 9.5 postgre template for like 6 months trying to find space… because of the nutty double space requirement. But lately my discourse slows to a crawl for no apparent reason, I don’t know what the issue is but I was hoping to eliminate that as an option by upgrading
I’m leaning towards something to do with email. We send out a LOT of email and it seems like when we have a very active topic that’s when sh*t hits the fan.
But I haven’t been able to figure out where the bottle neck is. Usually I end up doing an app rebuild , reboot and it settles out.
But within a few days it does it again. I know this is somewhat unrelated to the OP but if anyone has an idea… I’d love some thoughts.