Goodbye Sidetiq

Going to checkout master right now, hang on.

Checking out master (and flushing redis and restarting) didnā€™t change anything.

I did look through the bugfixes after and I verified that those are now there. Should have gone to master before posting this issue, my apologies for that. But in this case it didnā€™t solve the problem.

BTW Iā€™m on multisite, since there were a few multisite bugs Iā€™m now going to hack my config and see if this occurs on the main site as well.
EDIT yes it occurs on the main site as well.

Iā€™m seeing this Internal Server Error on my test docker setup, too.

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Do you also see the ā€œNot Scheduled Yetā€ messages @riking?

Flush redis to make the screen work again, or replace

      @schedules = Scheduler::Manager.discover_schedules.sort do |a,b|
        a.schedule_info.next_run <=> b.schedule_info.next_run


      @schedules = Scheduler::Manager.discover_schedules

in lib/scheduler/web.rb

Yes, and yes it happened after clicking Schedule. Basically the exact same thing you reported. I havenā€™t flushed redis yet though.

(will sort out first thing tomorrow)

curious, can you add a few ā€œputsā€ statements and find out why its not scheduling stuff? only about 20 lines of code involved in all of this.

If you need an external guinea pig, Iā€™m happy to volunteer. I know Iā€™m somewhat of an odd duck since Iā€™m banging along with Passenger, but Iā€™m happy to help if thereā€™s any way I can be useful.


I think my problem with deployment through the capistrano related to this topic, yes or not?

when I try to deploy I see these error:

uninitialized constant IceCube::ValidatedRule
/home/deployer/hanuman/releases/20140209154603/lib/freedom_patches/ice_cube.rb:2:in `<module:IceCube>'
/home/deployer/hanuman/releases/20140209154603/lib/freedom_patches/ice_cube.rb:1:in `<top (required)>'
 /home/deployer/hanuman/releases/20140209154603/config/initializers/02-freedom_patches.rb:2:in `block in <top (required)>'

This is totally unrelated @MpaK we no longer have this gem installed, looks
like a bad merge of a fork or something

we sure do, but its going to have to wait till @zogstrip finalizes the import / export stuff

I fixed the sorting issue, but am unable to reproduce the issue where the scheduler does not run at all.

on a clean docker install my scheduler is firing fine.

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Oh yeah, it was running. Iā€™ve got a happy face on the update check.

LMK whenever. This ought to be an interesting test case, considering how much my install has been through since, uhā€¦(checks)ā€¦March 2013 :smiley:

Sorting issue is gone, when I hit Trigger then a job is scheduled, and it looks like it is re-scheduled after it has ran.

So there is only an initialization issue left. Iā€™ll have a further look tonight, @sam can you give me some pointers where to look?

Ok. Found it. Just to share our shame:

After endless debugging, it seemed like Redis was not storing anything upon startup.
Then we finally remembered the following line in our startup script, right AFTER starting sidekiq.

echo flushdb | /usr/bin/redis-cli

It was put there many, many months ago, trying to work around a totally different and long, long forgotten issue. :cry:

This is the first time that Discourse ever relied on redis. Before this change, redis was ā€˜justā€™ a cache.


Actually it always sort of relies on Redis, when you nuke you would miss out on a pile of scheduled jobs, emails would go missing for example. message bus would also play up.

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Just unpinned this, no serious issues were found.

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Backup/Restore is now available in master. Please try it out :smile:

WARNING: backups are safe, but restore might require a server restart (just kill the thins/unicorns).


Backup generates this log (password redacted!) and completes successfully. I now have a 15MB .tar.gz backup file under /public/backup/defaults

Read-only mode appears to work correctly.

However, the ā€œRestoreā€ and ā€œRollbackā€ buttons are grayed out and display the ā€œNoā€ cursor when I attempt to click them.

edit - @zogstrip or @sam, happy to grant you guys temporary admin accounts if you want to look at anything.