Header Submenus

Hi, a few years ago there were posts on this thread about horizontal scrolling on mobile. We still experience this issue. If a menu is long, the last elements cannot be reached. The horizontal scrolling only happens until the end of the rightmost already displayed element and cuts everything else after.

Tested with the app for these devices:

  • Galaxy S8 with Android 9
  • Samsung A5 with Android 11 (LineageOS 18.1),
  • iOS 17.2.1

Any word on Horizontal Srolling on Mobile? Is there a code snippet or something we can add to get that working again?


Please enable permission management. This plug-in is very similar to what is used by administrators to quickly jump to specified pages.

This is a theme component not a plugin. Can you provide more details on permission management? As the admin can customize the menus content.

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I am wondering if anyone ever figured out how to make the menu scroll on mobile?


I’m also looking forward in getting this as the menu names throws off some details of what are the contents of the pages.


This can be achieved by using the following CSS in the Common-CSS tab of another theme or theme component.

.anon .top-menu {
  display: none;

Any further thought or input on making this horizontally scrollable so that it’s useful on mobile phones?

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