Help building plugin that requires overriting ruby controller methods

Hi there,
I’m trying to create a plugin that surfaces a checkbox when creating a topic on the UI, and that basically saves a new attribute in the topics table. Basically I need to get the attribute saved whehter the checbox was clicked or not, and then surface the new attrbute when visiting a Topics page.
I started from the backend, adding a migration that creates a new boolean attribute to Topics, defaulted to false and next I was working on the controller. But I haven’t been able to find a way to add the new attribute in the function posts from TopicsController.
I couldnt find anything like this on the tutorials.
Thanks in advance!

after_initialize do

  module ::DiscourseXPlugin
    class ::TopicsController

      def posts '┌────────────┐' '│ Here we go │' '└────────────┘'  
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An alternative to this, would be to create a new method in the controller, like “posts_with_new_attribute” that is triggered through a new endpoint if the checkbox is clicked, but not sure if that would be more complicated.

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You’ll need to do that with a plugin outlet in the ember front end.

You want to use a TopicCustomField, not change any tables.

You’ll want to add the custom field to the topic serializer.

You can look at other plugins that do those things for some examples.

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That worked! thanks!!