Help us test a new composer style

Sooo many feature requests in this topic, when we asked for a very specific kind of feedback :confused:


2 posts were split to a new topic: No warning before destroying draft when composer is minimized

I’m not sure how everyone else feels about it, but I find the new way of hiding the preview kinda distracting.
Could we hide or at least dim the content left and right of the composer?


Maybe it’s because Facebook/Google also follow this type of toaster chat style, but I’m actually pretty used to it, and don’t find it all that distracting.

(Unrelated, the only thing I’m want for is a universal keyboard method of minimizing all of these chat windows to get to the content underneath when out of focus, something like pressing esc three times since some vim keybindings are already kinda web standard.)


It looks as though this has just been rolled out to our site – :tada: – but I’ve noticed a strange white area as a result of the .d-editor-preview-wrapper class:

I can customise this away, of course (it’s only visible because of other customisations I’ve made), but I’m not sure why it’s there in the first place… :wink:

Totally agree with you.

Maybe some kind of full screen / expended view (for focus on content) would be nice.

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Pretty sure the … as seen in this screenshot from elastic is our bug (or our translation to change):


I will fix this one bug


Showing preview does, Hiding preview doesn’t:

This with edge, latest updates to the fall creators update.

No repro, works fine for me in Edge, all latest version of Windows. I suggest updating to latest version because based on your other post here I don’t think you have latest.

That screenprint was from meta. (But our site does the same).

Seems to be edge specific (works fine with Chrome form the same machine).

No repro in edge on my machine. Here’s two full screenshots since you don’t seem to believe me:


It’s not that I don’t believe you Jeff, more that I’m not mistaken that it doesn’t work on edge on my machine.

Very strange. I just ran windows update (again) and there was an outstanding update. (KB4501963)

It’s still the same after the reboot. In the console I get an undefined error when I try to toggle preview here on meta. Debugger shows:

Could not locate specified in source map

“categoy”, rather than “category”? (this doesn’t explain why Jeff doesn’t see it, nor why it works with Chrome from the same machine).

Some odd cloudfront issue?

I’m a little confused by this but I’ve been running into the problem where a element with a horizontal scrollbar that is not within the scroll view would result in a small vertical scroll of the preview when it is updated. Kind of hard to explain in words so hopefully the video below would do it justice.

@awesomerobot The only workaround I found was to let .d-editor-preview-wrapper overflow instead of .d-editor-preview itself.


Weird! I just pushed a fix that puts the overflow onto the wrapper - looks like that fixes it