Help with RSS Polling Plugin - Fetching Complete Content & Publishing Translated Content

I’ve been using the RSS Polling plugin and ran into a couple of issues. I was hoping you could help me out:

How to fetch complete content?
Right now, the plugin is only pulling part of the article, not the full content. Is there any setting I can adjust to make sure it pulls the entire article?

Publishing translated content
I’d like to fetch the content, translate it, and then publish the translated version on my site. Is there a plugin or a method to do this automatically?

Thanks a lot, looking forward to your response!

AFAIK, no. If the RSS feed only delivers that much, there’s not much you can do. Quite a few sites want people to read on their own platforms and use RSS only as an announcement. They really don’t want to create content for your benefit.

Sure you can code a scraper that does the job, but… every single admin and content creator hates that big time.


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