How could I set tag for a topic by API

I tried to set tag for topic by API like How to reverse engineer the Discourse API

But I can not see parameter of tag in console:

acting_avatar_template: "/user_avatar/{size}/3_2.png"
acting_name: ""
acting_user_id: 1
acting_username: "wo24"
action_code: null
action_type: 12
archived: false
avatar_template: "/user_avatar/{size}/3_2.png"
category_id: null
closed: false
created_at: "2022-01-23T10:09:10.296Z"
deleted: false
excerpt: "Test message text 05 Test message text 05 Test message text 05"
hidden: null
name: ""
post_id: null
post_number: 1
post_type: null
slug: "test-message-05"
target_name: ""
target_user_id: 1
target_username: "wo24"
title: "Test message 05"
topic_id: 1793
user_id: 1
username: "wo24"

It appear a poll request like this:

Request URL:
Request Method: POST
Status Code: 200 

But I do not know how it affect to tag request.
Could you help me to set tag by API discourse?