Is there a way to get all the posts from a certain category by a specific user?
Something like this?
i didnt see it in any of the posts… is there a specific URL i can query?
Don’t look at the results, look at the URL and how it is querying for a category and a specific user.
thanks got it, is there any way to get the raw data? i saw a search() function in the API, but not sure how to include the parameters.
awesome thanks… anyone know how to use the Ruby gem to call this?
I see in the source code, but wasnt able to create the right parameters to successfully retrieve the query results.
# @param term [String] a search term
# @param options [Hash] A customizable set of options
# @option options [String] :type_filter Returns results of the specified type.
# @return [Array] Return results as an array of Hashes.
def search(term, options={})
response = get('/search/query', options.merge(term: term))
Sorry, I’m not very keen on Ruby, but it should be as simple as sending a HTTP Get request to and just replacing the string sent as q=
Looks like it would be api_object.get('/search', {q: 'category:bug user:cpradio'})