How do I stop someone from spamming "Trending Search Terms"?

Thanks @Canapin :+1:t2:

I was thinking I’d have to enable it via the rails console like some other hidden settings.

Would you happen to know what that value is measured in? Is it the number of searches allowed per minute or something?

Exactly this :slightly_smiling_face:


For the record, you can see the unit of time it uses here: discourse/search_controller.rb at 8222810099de787e844881da42df1702700b9760 · discourse/discourse · GitHub, "search-min-anon-global", SiteSetting.rate_limit_search_anon_global, 1.minute).performed!

I don’t know how Discourse works, but I always have a copy of the repo on my computer to search for some terms in the code and grab some info, it’s very helpful.

Github search is less effective and often doesn’t return anything.


Excellent, thanks @Canapin and @Falco I shall enable this setting and see how my search logs progress :slight_smile:

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The difference is absolutely staggering.

Zero spam, proper stats.
