How do you force a script to refire on every page load in Discourse?

Alright, here’s one more update on this. I think I maybe on to the reason why api.onPageChange does not work for topic pages and the answer might be this:

With that in mind here’s the new way I settled on for firing a script once a user enters a topic page and doing a bit of clean up after leaving the topic page. This could still be improved I suppose but for now will only fire once when entering a topic and once when leaving.

const TopicRoute = require('discourse/routes/topic').default;

	activate: function() {
		this._super(); {
		// do stuff here when a topic page is opend
	deactivate: function() {
		// clean up here when leaving the topic page

As far as I tested, this will both log stuff to the console and work with jQuery. edit: Nope. Again :sweat_smile:

If anyone is interested in the breadcrumbs I came accross to put this together check these posts / topics out:


A tour of how the Widget (Virtual DOM) code in Discourse works - #59 by david

A tour of how the Widget (Virtual DOM) code in Discourse works

Once I figure out how to fire a script once every time the post stream is updated I will post another update here.