How do you use Discourse AI? Tell us and make it even better!

@Saif Do you need any other detail? What do you think about the idea?

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I think its an interesting idea and possibly something to consider with the use of Discourse AI - AI triage for the automation/agent component

I see this particularly useful for long form topics, like wiki posts as you’ve mentioned

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The problem is that discourse doesn’t have inline comments/voting for collaborative artifacts production like Wiki etc.
So it is very hard to manage discussion to artifacts at scale but this generally doesn’t scale also in other inline collaborative change systems like Google docs etc.

So it is better if we can naturally merge topics with AI agent and then manage conflictual points in AI proposed pools and suggested AI proposed (time limited) focused threads.

It is really related to the process of building consensus over artifacts that needs coherence and so to resolve potential conflicts in text production.

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