How does the Discourse project work?

Let’s say @codinghorror made Discourse alone. Then publish, got big hit, got contributors. Among contributors, few people became more significant and @codinghorror is starting to only talking with them in private.

If we are in this situation, I agree with you. I’ll also ask to not to be left out of the conversation. But they are already one team at first. They made this Discourse as one team. I suggest you see them as logically one person. So just let them make something and show us here. Then complain then make again then …

I think this is how Discourse project working, and I’m good with that. Working, real world data injected prototype is here at every change. You can talk with dev team very easily. I’m good. I don’t want to take their time by asking their conversation.

Closing this for now, its had enough discussion and its eating up precious dev time. See @mcwumbly answer for a canonical answer on the OP