How hide Login button in header

How can we hide login button in header and display them in other, example Hamburger menu?

Assuming you are wanting this for mobile as your screenshot indicates, then add this code to a theme component Mobile CSS tab:

Then create a custom link for the top sidebar section:

There it is…

click it and there is the modal:


Also, to show the login sidebar link to only anonymous users, then you can use this code instead:

.sidebar-section-link-wrapper[data-list-item-name="login"] {
    display: none;
.anon .sidebar-section-link-wrapper[data-list-item-name="login"] {
    display: flex;

.d-header .login-button {
    display: none;

I think the data-list-item-name is case sensitive, so if your link is “Login” then it should be the same in the CSS code.