How indent lists when editing a post?

I would like to have an indented sublist (bullet or numbered) under a top-level list item. I know how to do this in various formatting languages — HTML, Markdown, etc. — but I don’t see how to do it using the editing features of discourse. I realize I can use HTML, but. I probably could use MD too? What’s the easiest way of doing this?

- parent list item
  - sub-item
- another parent
  - sub item again
  - yet another sub item
  • parent list item
    • sub-item
  • another parent
    • sub item again
    • yet another sub item

Ok, how did you do that??? I can’t recreate it. :confused:

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The top half of @cpradio’s post is how he did it. Copy the stuff in the gray box right into a reply, and that’s how you can do it.

Essentially, to create a bullet, make sure there is a blank line above if not the first line, then type a dash, a space, then the line of text. To create an indented bullet, after a regular bullet, type a space, then dash, then space, then text.

Hope this helps!

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  • ok, got it!
  • Thanks!
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You may wish to work through the interactive tutorials at – it’s a great resource!

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