How much is Discourse affected by a faster CPU?

I got these boxes and they are nifty designs, a great step up in every way. Burning in overnight now.

This is a really nice, extremely compact layout! One thing that confused me is that the DIMMs are split: one goes on top half, the other goes on the bottom half.



You may notice in the second pic in each series, I removed stuff as well as installing memory and SSD. I pulled out the WiFi module and antennas, as well as the SATA bottom mount, since I don’t need it. It looks like there’s another full length NVMe port on the top side as well, which is amazing!

CPU benchmarks

:warning: this newer version of sysbench produces different numbers, it is not comparable to old versions!

sysbench cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run

DO droplet 2988
2017 scooter 4800
2019 scooter 5671

sysbench cpu --cpu-max-prime=40000 --num-threads=8 run

DO droplet 2200
2017 scooter 5588
2019 scooter 14604

Disk benchmarks

ioping -RD -w 10 .

iops MiB/sec
DO droplet 13.7k 53.4
2017 scooter 13.6k 53.2
2019 scooter 14.9k 58.0

dd bs=1M count=512 if=/dev/zero of=test conv=fdatasync
hdparm -Tt /dev/sda

sequential cached reads buffered reads
DO droplet 701 MB/sec 8818 MB/sec 471 MB/sec
2017 scooter 444 MB/sec 12564 MB/sec 505 MB/sec
2019 scooter 1.2 GB/sec 17919 MB/sec 3115 MB/sec

Discourse rebuild times

time ./launcher rebuild app

real user sys
DO droplet 6:59 1.4s 0.89s
2017 scooter 3:41 1.3s 0.85s
2019 scooter 3:24 1.7s 1.2s

Thanks for the tip on the timing command @pfaffman!