How to change the default user status emoji?


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Click on this button and you should be directed to a menu where you can change the status icon.


I think the translator didn’t work right

So, everyone who uses this messaging system has this one as their main icon.


So I changed all the icons on my website to icons in line design and this icon doesn’t match the rest of the icons on my website and I wanted to change it too

so que quando eu vou trocar ou uso esse codigo

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.11">
        api.replaceIcon('chat', 'newchat');

but I can’t find the name of the icon I want to change, because instead of the name of the icon, a link to the image appears


then I wanted to upload an icon in line design in the emoji session?

but how would I make it the default emoji for all people who put the image without changing the icon?

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