How to configure top-topics in the Right Sidebar Blocks component?

Bonjour à tous,

Je cherche à faire apparaître les derniers sujets dans le composant Right Sidebar Blocks et je n’ai trouvé aucune doc expliquant quoi mettre dans les paramètres.
Ainsi, seul le titre “Derniers Sujets” apparaît dans la sidebar mais aucun contenu, je ne sais pas trop comment faire. Pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plaît?

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to make the top topics appear in the Right Sidebar Blocks component and I haven’t found any docs explaining what to put in the settings.
So, only the title “Latest Topics” appears in the sidebar but no content, I’m not sure how to do it. Can you please help me?

It’s possible that you don’t have any topics returned within the timeframe. When I set it up on my test site with the same parameter count I only get two topics (and when I delete the 3 day old one, than I only have one). Looking at the network tab, it’s pulling /top.json?period=weekly

Hi @JammyDodger and thanks for your quick answer,

Do you mean that the lastest topics are within the weekly period basically or that the latest topics list is updated weekly? Because to test it I’ve just created a fresh topic now to test it and nothing appears.

unfortunately I’ve no access to the network tab because my forum is hosted on a national infrastructure where I don’t have access to look into. I just can create/edit the forum with the admin settings of discourse.

These are ‘Top’ topics rather than ‘Latest’ and are calculated using this method - Calculating "Top" topics in Discourse

I think your test topic would need to pick up a like or similar to be included, and there’s a background job that runs every hour to recalculate the scores (You can manually trigger it from your /sidekiq/scheduler page if you have access - Jobs::TopRefreshToday and Jobs::TopRefreshOlder for the older ones that runs once a day)

So, from what I understand, the Top Topics section should pull out the topics with the highest score that were created this week.


Hi and thanks a lot for your detailed answer,

I think I have all informations I needed now. Notably, I could see this morning that the topic I created yesterday where a colleague responded and liked it to test, appears now in the sidebar.
So possibly the refresh take a bit of time.

Many thanks for your help.

Have a good day

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