How to display OP avatar in latest column of the category

If you only want to change that in the Category page and don’t want the other changes that the Discourse Topic Author will make you can override the components/latest-topic-list-item

With something like below in your theme:

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="components/latest-topic-list-item">
    {{plugin-outlet name="above-latest-topic-list-item" connectorTagName="div"}}
    <div class="main-link">
      <div class="top-row">
        {{raw "topic-status" topic=topic}}
        {{topic-link topic}}
        {{#if topic.featured_link}}
          {{topic-featured-link topic}}
        {{topic-post-badges unreadPosts=topic.unread_posts unseen=topic.unseen url=topic.lastUnreadUrl}}
      <div class="bottom-row">
        {{category-link topic.category}}{{discourse-tags topic mode="list"}}{{! intentionally inline to avoid whitespace}}
    <div class="topic-stats">
      {{raw "list/posts-count-column" topic=topic tagName="div"}}
      <div class="topic-last-activity">
        <a href={{topic.lastPostUrl}} title={{topic.bumpedAtTitle}}>{{format-date topic.bumpedAt format="tiny" noTitle="true"}}</a>
    <div class="topic-creator">
      {{#user-link user=topic.creator}}
        {{avatar topic.creator imageSize="large"}}
      {{user-avatar-flair user=topic.creator}}

But you will be overriding a template so if it ever gets changed in the core, it is up to you to keep it updated.