How to set category custom fields?

I want to set import_id of one category manually, to be able to import remaining topics from an old forum.

I tried this in rails c but it does not seem to work:

[11] pry(main)> Category.find(3).custom_fields
=> {}
[12] pry(main)> Category.find(3).custom_fields['import_id'] = '50'
=> "50"
[13] pry(main)> Category.find(3).custom_fields
=> {}
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I think you need to do something like

 CategoryCustomField.create(category_id: 3,...) 

Look at the code in the importers for an example.


Yeah, finally found it.

    new_category.custom_fields["import_id"] = import_id if import_id!

So looks like I just need to call save :slight_smile:

I got confused because for SiteSetting it is not needed.

[14] pry(main)> c = Category.find(3)
=> #<Category:0x000056548fd948a8
 id: 3,
[15] pry(main)> c.custom_fields['import_id'] = '50'
=> "50"
[16] pry(main)> c.custom_fields
=> {"import_id"=>"50"}
[17] pry(main)>!
=> true
[18] pry(main)> Category.find(3).custom_fields
=> {"import_id"=>"50"}

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