How to use gsuite smtp with installation

Hello, many get stuck when trying to use their gSuite account’s SMTP services. Well, I’ve found a workaround! The following steps are to be performed.

  • Login to Google Admin Console.
  • Go to Apps > Gmail.
  • Then, go to the routing section at the last on the page.
  • On the page that will open, go tot the SMTP relay service section. Click on New Rule / Add Another Rule.
  • Enter a short description or a summary for what you’ll be using the SMTP, e.g “Just a test for the guide on meta discourse”.
  • The second option, the dropdown is based on your needs.
  • Under Authentication, the first option is recommended but not forced. If checked, the SMTP will return success only from the specified server address.
  • Make sure to check the require SMTP credentials.
  • Under Encryption, check Require TLS encryption for better security!

an example for reference:


  • Then log in to your google account settings and create an app-specific key.

Hence, Your username will be your email address, password will be the app specific key.