I can't change the notification icons

Hi, everybody
I want to change these icons

I did it like this

And I wrote it in the Header

But the icon has not changed
It works with other icons
Please help me solve this problem


Hi Mikhail,

Please try this one :slightly_smiling_face:

<script type="text/discourse-plugin" version="0.8">
  api.replaceIcon('notification.granted_badge', 'oo-medal-badges');

You can find these replacements here :arrow_down:


Yes, it worked. Thank you very much

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And where can I see what they look like?

You can easily identify it by using inspect elements.

For example.: the certificate icon notification

  1. Find the icon name with inspect elements

  1. Find the same icon in the icon-library js

Then you can replace the icon with any other icon you want. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for your reply
I figured it out. I thought there was some sort of list with standard Discourse icons

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May I add this for future reference. I followed the instructions on Replace Discourse's default SVG icons with custom icons in a theme - #19 by dodesz but but what I did not realise at first was that the same icon can be referred to in different ways. In the app itself, under ‘/styleguide/atoms/icons’ is a list of all the icons and how they are referred to, so in my header.html file I now have 5 references to the envelope icon:

    api.replaceIcon('envelope', 'fgx-air-mail');
    api.replaceIcon('far-envelope', 'fgx-air-mail');
    api.replaceIcon('notification.private_message', 'fgx-air-mail');
    api.replaceIcon('notification.read_private_message', 'fgx-air-mail');
    api.replaceIcon('notification.invited_to_private_message', 'fgx-air-mail');