I dont get proper mapping of attributes using SAML plugin


I am trying to integrate our shibboleth with our discourse instance. For now logging in works but I am getting the wrong data (name, email, etc…)

here is part of the data coming from the SSO

    <saml2:Attribute FriendlyName="givenName" Name="urn:oid:" NameFormat="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri">
      <saml2:AttributeValue>Joao Miguel</saml2:AttributeValue>

here is the error log:

SAML Debugging: saml_auth: {:uid=>"AAdzZWNyZXQ0uudwQFYHs1n7nrvB/A4t4l6q+6aAXInZRL4XIO+mnEEEq4t8UwBnzJRh50mnTGDsQAPvWThJNaUNR6smCochT1I2oXwvyoU4lQG+5hbVmCvkkmYDPOujrvgNloXWNg==", :info=>{"name"=>nil, "email"=>nil, "first_name"=>nil, "last_name"=>nil, "nickname"=>nil}.......   @attributes={............."urn:oid:"=>["Joao Miguel"]

I would say the issue has to do with the FriendlyName, as it doesnt match any of the options in saml_authenticator.rb:

statements = “name:name|email:email,mail|first_name:first_name,firstname,firstName|last_name:last_name,lastname,lastName|nickname:screenName”

Since friendly name repeats itself for every atribute I am not sure how to make the mapping. Has anyone an idea of how to deal with this?

Thank you

Did you manage to get this working?

Hello @Ivan.bacher and @JoreisPy , any success in mapping the right attributes via discourse-saml configs?

I’ve been trying using this config in the plug-in but no lucky so far:

Screenshot 2023-05-03 at 08.27.45

Have a good one! :slight_smile: