So I already checked the enable discourse connect
, and specified the discourse connect url
and set the discourse connect secret
On the page of the discourse connect url
, I’m doing the following :
function rediretUserToDiscourse(user) {
const url = new URL(window.location)
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const ssoValue = searchParams.get("sso");
const decodedSSOValue = window.atob(ssoValue);
const queryParams = decodedSSOValue.split("&");
let nonce = null;
for (let param of queryParams) {
const [key, value] = param.split("=");
if (key === "nonce") {
nonce = value;
if (user) {
const payload = `nonce=${nonce}&name=${user.username}&username=${user.username}&email=${}&external_id=${}&avatar_url=${user.avatar}`;
const encodedPayload = window.btoa(JSON.stringify(payload));
const secret = "discourse_connect_secret";
hmac(encodedPayload, secret, HmacAlgorithms.HmacSHA256, Encoders.hex)
.then(signature => {
if (signature) {
const discourseLoginURL = `${encodedPayload}&sig=${signature}`;
window.location.href = discourseLoginURL;
Everything works perfectly (the signature is valid, and it redirects me to the discourse). But I keep getting the following error : Nonce is incorrect, was generated in a different browser session, or has expired
. I spent hours of searching for a solution in here, google, and chatGPT (cz why not :p) and I still didn’t found a solution.
Does anyone knows how can I fix it please ?