I need someone to guide me instructions on how to install black theme on community

Now this above theme is current site with Extension

i already asked for black theme on community but they said they will add it later

if there are any plugins or themes which i can submit to staff where its just a matter of few minutes to have the theme installed, then i request someone to give me the link so i can submit it them with staff and get the theme activated fast

Their response to you already asking for this feature seems reasonable and doesn’t appear to have anything to do with how long it would take to setup.


No, i asked whether if discourse have robust tools made available for site admins for implementing and offering new themes faster, it always seems to be a time consuming process ? why not have a plugin theme that offers universal dark mode so that i can ask admin to install the plugin where the activation of dark mode makes the site look like i have black theme installed but doesnt have the theme to be necessarily changed

Also @Lilly can you tell me how the username on this community be changed ?

Again, I don’t know anything about nothing, but isn’t black only matter of color palette, is it?

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Yeah @Jagster, I think you have the right idea.

@ArunROG87Razer Discourse has two separate but related features that are relevant here.

Themes are modified versions of the user interface that can change not only colors, but also layout and functionality. Creating a new theme can take anywhere from hours to months depending on how complicated it is. Installing an existing theme (such as those listed here), takes a couple minutes if you have a URL to the theme’s Github page.

Color Schemes are alternate sets of colors. They can either be defined by themes or created separately by in the admin interface. Creating a new color scheme takes only a few minutes (plus the time it takes to decide on the colors).

Generally a “dark mode” only involves a color scheme. One caveat is that Discourse creates larger color palettes from the handful of colors defined in the color scheme, and then uses the generated palette to color the whole site. For instance, in this screenshot you can see how different shades of the primary color have been generated.

A theme allows for more control over what colors are used where, and also lets you include other colors outside the auto-generated palette.


Would you mind creating a separate topic for this question? We try to follow a “one topic per topic” guideline in order to keep information more organized and searchable!



yes we have a theme called Brave Dark installed and i am using it

But the colors feel more like Dark Blue than Dark Black

Is it Possible for the Admin to customize Brave Dark theme(which is currently looking as dark blue) and modify Brave Dark theme’s background page colors to be black and add the modified brave dark theme with black background colors to be listed as Brave Real Dark without necessarily having to delist brave dark which currently looking as Dark Blue ?

It is much better UX not to have white on black. The contrast is harsh.

Yes. Here are some resources.


Reddit/yt has black background for dark mode and font colors being white, i find it good

I am wishing a universal dark mode on a major discourse update where all sites will get dark mode withot admins doing manual work

For Example

scroll down and you can easily activate light/dark mode by clicking a button, No need to Reload.

There is ready-to-go dark palette, if an admin will use it. It isn’t black, though.

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You have already requested this from the Brave forum admins. It is not time consuming nor a lot of manual work to do, and it seems pretty clear their response to you had nothing to do with either. We do not force admins to use specific colour palettes or themes on their forums, and I suspect that won’t change anytime soon.


I am not expecting a black change globally as it should be a user choice to select white theme or black theme

Also, i am not seeing ability to change colors(colors scheme) as i see here



I tried black theme here but i am not happy about white lines appearing inbetween topics

I want no lines like the Left Navigation pane.

Also there should be option to hide image titles appearing while being hovered

And Full Fluid option for TVs like vBulletin

That would be under the Admin console, not in your user settings.