"I read it" button alongside "I like it" button?

Make Poll with showing results
Make checkboxes whit Checklist Plugin - Interactive Checkboxes made Simple

There is now a discourse-policy plugin that we use for this purpose internally, when there is a “must have acknowledged official SOC2 security policy” topic posted.



I’m not a heavy user of multiple chat applications, but I like how Riot.im shows the little avatars of users in the last comment they read. This gives every member of a room a good idea of who has read what, without requiring anyone to do anything other than reading.

This is an overkill for an entire Discourse forum, but for the use case of groups (and especially those providing support / relying on quick coordinated actions) it would be a very nice touch. But yeah, not trivial to implement, I guess.

(The “Seen by anmol” tooltip appears when you place the mouse pointer on top of an avatar.)

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To pay the bills.
You’re lucky happy few if you never had to be in that position. :wink: