Image upload max size and further resizing regression issue

Sometimes it’s just an image from clipboard that I insert directly via Ctrl+V.

Despite I can educate myself to save images in JPG and then upload them, there is still that issue of an error message that confuses and makes little sense.

If it is said that an images up to 10MB can be uploaded (and we say that to our users as well), why can’t they upload an image of e.g. 2MB or 3MB or 4MB? It is less than 50% of the allowed size, yet that error pops up that says “sorry up to 864KB” only. It is this error messaging that I’m trying to get fixed.

I mean, it seems as if the error message does not reflect the actual issue and does not help user solve the issue but to dramatically sizedown their images.

If it was unable to size the image down, it should say something about it — i.e. your image is fine in size but we couldn’t resize it, try resizing it to half of its size before uploading etc - something like that.


  • can we make this time limit configurable?
  • can we queue image resizing which failed and display the image thumbnail in the meantime? (the server might be idle at night)
  • just as an idea, using image number limit per TL can eliminate DDoS vector.