(No longer supported) Import posts from Facebook group into Discourse

Thanks for testing this. I had no idea the Discourse part would still work. I remeber I was never able to extract usernames from Facebook. In stead I used mail addressess.

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I was perhaps a bit unclear in my last post, it seems the importer could not fetch user objects at all this time. Previously it fetched users including their id, first_name, last_name etc. But I’m not sure if it ever fetched usernames. I always just referenced the user data objects by their Facebook ID.

I want to emphasize that it might be very easy to fix this and get the script to fetch user objects again. Maybe just a slightly different API call or maybe some permission you need to set when generating the access token.

See link below. If Facebook is in the middle of a transition between versions, that might explain why there are problems. So far, the importer has used the user_managed_groups permission. Perhaps it is easy to rewrite it to use the new Groups API.


Interested in moving my Facebook group to discourse. Can you Help with this migration? My group has 40k+ members. Ready to signup for a business plan

Based on this do you think we will be able to map fb users to discourse fb signups with the same user?

As long as you follow the terms of our standard hosting agreement and pay for a year of business hosting up front, we’d be happy to take it on: https://discourse.org/buy


Sorry I totally missed your response. I can signup for one year plan. Would like to know the deliverables. Will you be able to migrate all the existing posts/comments and users to discourse?

Closing topic as migration from Facebook is not possible due to restrictions in the API.