Indicate large time gaps between posts in a topic

This is fantastic. Thank you!


Loving the feature as well. After seeing it on Meta, I was compelled to update to the latest commit :smiley:

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I have a question.

Do the time gaps appear retroactively? Meaning if we just upgraded to latest and there was a topic that had a gap a month ago, that gap would be highlighted?

The reason I ask, is we have several topics with gaps that are no showing the Time Gap indicator. Even in our staging environment, I created a reply on an old thread intentionally to see the Time Gap and I’m not seeing it. I’m trying to investigate the cause (taking some time), but thought I’d check to see if there is anything obvious I should be looking for/at.


Yes, it should happen automatically, it’s calculated when the topic is displayed.


Okay, I found the setting “show time gap days”, I’m trying to get that info for our setup, as we’re definitely not seeing it. So it is either set exceptionally high, or some value that doesn’t make sense.

There are XYZ replies with an estimated read time of MN minutes.
Summarize This Topic

Click summarize and read.

And it looks kinda weird in that view. The time gaps are marked for periods between posts that get shown, not for gaps of time with no posts…

Yeah, @eviltrout mentioned he is planning on fixing that.


Another case that works odd: topics with many long delays. Here on meta there are many topics that periodically get new activity and then go silent for a while:

I think it might be better to have smaller interruptions for time gaps that are further in the past. When everything is 6+ months ago, knowing that there were various two to three week gaps seems less important.

Looks fine to me, personally.


Agree, it looks fine, its properly communicating that this topic is somewhat … odd.

I’ve changed it so it’s not displayed in summary mode:


After using it for a while I will set the default interval to 7 days, so only gaps of 8+ days will be shown. I think that is a better default than 4.


Cool it’s show_time_gap_days