Information about permission settings

Hello, I need to know if there is a way for users to create posts in a category, but not see the ones created by others unless they are their own. Only administrators or moderators should be able to view and respond to everything.

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No, there is no way to do that. Can you explain your use case? It doesn’t seem to make any sense to have topics that can only be seen by one person plus staff. Why not use PMs?


Ideally, its use would be primarily for a ‘report’ category, where the reported user cannot see who the reporter is to avoid conflicts.

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That is what the flagging system does, though. If you flag a post, a PM is created with the moderation staff and the flagger.


Where can I get more information about that?

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This is the best place to start: Discourse Moderation Guide. Followed by Search results for 'flags #documentation order:latest' - Discourse Meta


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