Integration via an iframe - is it supported?

Hi everyone!

Here’s the use case: we have a category on the forum and the wishlist page, which we’d love to integrate to the forum. So when you click on that category, you stay in the category but get to the wishlist itself (the whole portal with all the ideas, comments, with an option to leave a comment, etc.) Oh my, I hope it was clear enough.

Just in case, here’s our forum -
And here’s our wishlist -

There is an option to embed our wishlist in an iframe, and I’d be very grateful if you could advise whether it’s possible with the forum.

Thank you so much!

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Hey @Helga_Razinkova

It is!

You need to add the host domain as ‘allowed’ for iframes in your site settings.

This post can help a little better than my explanation I expect;



Wow, a huge thank you for your help, Ry!

How come I didn’t come across that article myself…

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