Invalid Format: Uncaught SyntaxError due to translations

Hi again! Our forum is finally working smoothly, thanks to the support I’ve received here.

However, i’ve just noticed the following error at the bottom of the pages of the forum:

Invalid Format: Uncaught SyntaxError: Expected “=”, “}” or [a-zA-Z$_] but “%u043F” found. at undefined:1376:10

I guess it’s an issue with my translations, since I’m manually doing it for the entire system.

Could anyone tell me where to fix that? I’m using a 50% finished bulgarian translation and doing the rest on my own, if that’s even the case.


How to check locale files for errors has all the answers.

$ rake i18n:check[bg]

js.about.contact_info -- Missing interpolation keys: ["contact_info"]
js.about.contact_info -- Unsupported interpolation keys: ["contact_email"]
admin_js.admin.backups.operations.failed -- Missing interpolation keys: ["operation"]
js.topic.read_more_MF -- Invalid message format: Uncaught SyntaxError: Expected "=", "}" or [a-zA-Z$_] but "%u043F" found.

================================================================================ -- Missing interpolation keys: ["base_path"]
dashboard.rails_env_warning -- Missing interpolation keys: ["env"]
user_notifications.posted_by -- Missing interpolation keys: ["username"]

You should take a closer look at the translation for js.topic.read_more_MF and fix it on Transifex, so that everyone profits from your work.


One more error. Russian translation enabled.

Invalid Format: Uncaught SyntaxError: Expected "=", "}" or [a-zA-Z$_] but "%u0438" found. at undefined:1376:10