Is it possible to have a topic shown in 2 different categories?

Hey! Just wondering if it’s possible to have a topic show up in 2 different categories. For example, if we had a “News & Updates” category explaining how a new mobile app feature will be available soon. Would I be able to have that same topic show up in the “Mobile App” category, or would I have to rewrite the same post?

Thank you :slight_smile:


As far as I know, a topic/post can only exist in one category.


Topics exist in exactly one category.

Rather than duplicate the text, I would link to the announcement in a new topic in the other category. That way there is only one place to comment.


This works, if either category is viewable for the same people.

I would love to think about how topics or single posts could be shared in multiple categories.


Quote entire post and post it in a new topic. You may need to adjust title.

A case use of the full quote. :wink:

Like what @pfaffman said. I have often used similar for discussion on announcements.

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Thank you! That makes sense

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