I saw that this question was asked here, but I don’t think that it got traction since it was only in the dev category. I’m wondering if anything like this exists or is possible, even if it isn’t documented. I really need a way of getting all of their associated accounts, and ideally I wouldn’t want to have to store it in a separate database and have to keep it in sync (e.g. a user removes their social account.)
Yeah, so there is an associated_accounts section, but the thing is it doesn’t show the external ID such as what you would need to use with Discourse API Docs which is my problem.
For example, I would need to get the Discord user ID or the Steam ID 64 which isn’t accessible from the endpoint.
Yeah, so basically I was using Discourse SSO on an external site and was needing to see if a user has associated their accounts. If they have then I needed their IDs in order to execute certain actions. I just really wanted to avoid having them sign in on that external site with Discord OAuth or Steam OpenID because it seemed redundant and would mean certain things might not be in sync with Discourse.