Is there any way to use @if in a Theme Component using a variable?

I’m trying to use a boolean theme setting to determine if I can use a specific set styling:

@if var(--my-variable) {
   .my-selector {
      display: block;

and elsewhere in included file:

:root {
  --my-variable: #{$my_boolean_setting_in_theme};

but this doesn’t appear to work …

the styling is applied whether or not the variable is true or false.


Runtime CSS variables like --my-variable can’t be consumed in SASS/SCSS build-time @if statements.

So I think you’d have to handle this entirely at build-time, sticking to SCSS variables only. Something like:

@if $my_boolean_setting_in_theme == "true" {

thanks David, I tried all sorts of combinations like that, don’t know why I didn’t hit upon that one, cheers!


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