Issue when linking user avatar via CSS


I am trying to link one’s profile from to appear on this website:

I am using the following code:

<img src=“<? echo $z["ifc"]; ?>/120/352328_2.png” alt=“Avatar” style=“width:20px; height:20px; border-radius: 50%; vertical-align: text-bottom;”>

and one day it is working fine, the other day I am getting this:


Does anyone know whether there is a false statement in the code line?

Hi Thomas :slight_smile:

The user’s avatar URL from Discourse is:

The output of your link, including what your PHP code returns, is:

Spot the difference and it will help you solve your problem. :jigsaw:

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Thank you very much for your response.

This is the user’s final ending.png. We want a code that will track everyone’s user avatar and update it on the frontend accordingly. For some weird reason, the code I am using now works fine. Tomorrow though, it might not work. This is where I am a bit confused.

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I was pointing at:

legendaryroro88 Vs LegendaryRoro88

Because when, I loaded one URL, I had an error, and the other one worked.

I assumed it was because of the capitalized letters, but now the capitalized letters link redirects to the non-capitalized one :thinking:


The name is something I can not change / edit, since it is automatically added to the query.