Lighthouse accessibility audit issues

Split this into its own topic to dig into the issues a bit more. Starting with the…

Topic list

Outside of contrast, which for now is fixable with CSS… there are 2 issues:

  1. This first one with the list items seems to be a bug with the auditor, or maybe a quirk with how the auditor is seeing how our page renders? These list items are definitely contained.

    :male_detective: :mag_right:

  1. The second issue is [aria-*] attributes do not have valid values. This is specifically calling out our category and tag dropdowns… the issue here seems to be aria-haspopup. According to the example here Navigation Menu Button Example | WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1 we should have aria-haspopup="true" instead of just aria-haspopup

    Looks like we weren’t passing true as a string, I fixed that here: