Auto-Linkify Words

Has something been done to allow pipes?

I’m currently using this as a workaround:

Also, is there a way to exclude a world from being linkified when inside a grand-grand-[…]children of an excluded class?
I’m building a forum with a Documentation category, and I don’t want linkified words in it because it would be redundant: words in other categories will be linkified and will link to topics in this documentation category.
Plus, linkified words open in a new window.

So, this didn’t work:

Here’s an example of the issue I’m facing. This is the part of a text inside a documentation topic.

If I click 22° halo, it will open a page that links to… The same page, at the same place.
I can exclude words in titles, especially because it contains a table of content, but the following paragraphs don’t have any specific class. They are regular paragraphs.

Maybe the excluded class setting could accept CSS selectors?
For example, d-toc-cooked > *

edit: Also I fail to understand why this doesn’t work since my word is a direct child of an excluded class:


The “22° Halo” is still linkified:

<h3 id="toc-h3-22-halo" data-d-toc="toc-h3-22-halo" class="d-toc-post-heading">
    <a name="h-22-halo-7" class="anchor" href="#h-22-halo-7"></a>
    <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" class="linkify-word no-track-link">22° Halo</a>

Is that because the table of content HTML code could be generated after the “linkification”?

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