Locations Plugin

Some of my users encounter a rate limit with the default provider (nominatim) that makes them wait one minute before trying again.

Weirdly, I don’t come across any kind of limit.

See: The location field in profile is kind of broken - Forum Feedback - Unicyclist.com

  1. Any idea why I don’t encounter any limit whereas some users encounter it? I tried writing long locations’ names while typing fast.
  2. What would be your second choice for the location_geocoding_provider setting (for a free usage)?
  3. What’s the location_geocoding_debounce setting?

I see that in nominatim’s usage policy that “Auto-complete search This is not yet supported by Nominatim and you must not implement such a service on the client side using the API.”

There is no auto-completion in the location button on a new topic, but there is one in the custom user field:




  1. Is this a forbidden usage? :thinking: