Login Helper Plugin

:information_source: Summary shorten process of logging in by email
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Link https://github.com/thoka/discourse-login-helper/
:open_book: Install Guide How to install plugins in Discourse


This Discourse plugin is an attempt to simplify the login process for novice, mass-subscribed users.

Links to the forum in notification emails are enriched with the user’s email address.

If a user follows one of these links, a login email is sent without need for further interaction.

After using the login link provided there, the user will be redirected to the previously linked topic.


  • 0.6 Send login link on all pages, if “login” parameter is set
  • 0.5 Fix bug which prohibited to send mails containing links to user with non-ascii usernames


  • Do not send new token on reload of page
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Would it not be easier to simply create log-in redirect links in email summaries which automatically login users and re-direct them to a topic so that any email received which contains a link allows for them to log in using that link? There would be a lot less emails being sent and users wouldn’t have to go back checking for another email.


  1. User is mentioned in Topic A
    (User is not logged in on their browser)
  2. User receives email notification about Topic A
  3. User clicks Topic A email notification and is automatically logged in and re-directed to Topic A
  4. User does not have to worry about anything else
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Yes, this seems much easier for the user.
Unfortunately, you would have to educate users that they allow free logins to their accounts by sharing links.
Security by education does not work.

The way it works now, you learn about login attempts and have to authenticate them by using the special email sent to your account.

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I guess you’re right - however, it seems quite obvious people don’t share links directly from their email inbox. Perhaps something like a warning message may help?

This might work for special communities.
Other links inside the message shouldn’t be direct login links, nevertheless.

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I guess you’re right - it would be a niche feature for not a lot of communities, perhaps for the elderly or for those not vulnerable to attacks. Nevertheless, would be a nice feature to have. Regardless - great plugin and will definitely be checking it out!

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