Looking for a developer to customize our Discourse forum

Hey guys!

We’re looking for a dev who would help us customize and set up our Discourse community. It’s going to be a forum for the users of our product (an automation platform) to help and inspire one another.

We’re thinking things such as

  • large search bar in the the center
  • tiles with categories with rounded corners
  • “boxes” featuring announcements.

I could go on in these generic terms but I believe it would be more efficient to potentially talk about this on a call :slightly_smiling_face:

Due to unlucky circumstances, we are on a tight deadline. We’d neeed to have this done by the end of the month.


Hi there,
I am interested to take this up. Sending you a PM


Hi @Michaela

I can take this up, feel free to reach out to me on bhanu@orng.co and we can schedule a call.


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