Memory is running out and Discourse stops working

Thanks @sam!

So I have ran rebuild from the command line

root@forum:/var/discourse# ./launcher rebuild app
WARNING: No swap limit support
Updating discourse docker
remote: Counting objects: 11, done.

~Build Start: 2015-02-10T07:37:02.391921
~Build End: 2015-02-10T07:48:42.554345

Current system status

  System information as of Mon Feb  9 21:50:43 EST 2015

  System load:  0.1                Processes:              121
  Usage of /:   63.1% of 39.25GB   Users logged in:        1
  Memory usage: 78%                IP address for eth0:    
  Swap usage:   2%                 IP address for docker0: 

Current version: Discourse 1.2.0.beta6 - version 0ce6524153b7e5545a834d2edf1a6b0de1cdcaef

Now we play the waiting game.