Make "New Topic" button more prominent

I had some users complain that it wasn’t obvious how to post a new topic, so I styled the button to look like .btn-primary. I think that might be a good default, actually:

(I also changed the “create” vocabulary to “post” since taking the screenshot, but that’s another matter altogether :slight_smile: )


This is intentional, we believe people should look for existing topics first before rushing to create a new one. Reply is primary action not create topic.


Ah, interesting! For our community, we currently want new users to be able to find how to ask questions more easily. We’re a small, private community. But I can see why this would be counterproductive in large, public, and active forums.


Yes it’s totally fine to change this to whatever you want locally on your discussions, my comments are in the context of global defaults for all sites.


That looks great thanks so much.I would love to change our “New Topic” button to that layout you used.
I am no programmer, any suggestion how I could do this with limited technical knowledge? @alehandrof

Head to admin/customize/themes and add this to your active theme under common > CSS

#create-topic {
  background: var(--tertiary);
  color: var(--secondary);
  svg {
    color: var(--secondary);
  &:hover {
    background: var(--tertiary-hover);
    svg {
      color: var(--secondary);

You can read more about Discourse themes here.

Beginner's guide to using Discourse Themes


Oh, fantastic. I just copy and pasted this and it worked. First time I added code to anything. Very exciting and it looks great. Thanks @Johani
Is there any way to change the copy from the default “New Topic” to “Create New Topic” or something else more eye catching too?

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Sure, head to admin/customize/site_texts and search for js.topic.create

This will give you two results


The first one is for the button you see on topic lists. The second one is for the submit button in the composer when you create a new topic.

You can edit the text of both of those to whatever you prefer.


Thank you so much, this is super useful. Changed it already.

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I was on vacation and not following up on my email. Thank you @joe for following up! I actually didn’t even remember what I had done, it was so long ago! :blush: