Memberpress + discourse - How do I get forum to see new membership levels?

We are increasing our prices on new members, and grandfathering in our existing members. I went ahead and created additional membership levels in memberpress and updated my webhooks. Just wondering do I need to log everyone out in order for the new levels to show up in the security settings of my categories? Again, existing members will remain unaffected.

I tried logging myself out, twice, and that didn’t do the job. Appreciate your time. Thank you.

I think the problem is that you haven’t yet created a “basic” group on Discourse. You can do that by clicking the “New Group” button from the upper right of the Discourse groups page:

(my current screenshot program doesn’t let me annotate screenshots)

On the New Group page that opens, give the group the name “basic” and fill in any additional settings that you want to use.

Let us know if I’ve misunderstood the problem, or if you have any questions about how to create the group.

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Thank you simon. If I make a new ‘basic’ group for our basic membership package inside memberpress, will new members who sign up for the basic membership automatically pass through to these group settings? I’m unclear on how the new group inside discourse maps to the memberpress membership other than the name. I’m probably over thinking it…

I’m basing my answer off the code that’s in your screenshot. Assuming that code is working correctly, it is saying (I think) that if a WordPress user has an active membership in the groups that have the ids 10730, or 10732, when they log into Discourse, they will be automatically added to the Discourse group with the name “basic”.

The WordPress code may be configured so that users will be automatically added to the Discourse groups when their membership level changes on Discourse. I can’t see that code in the screenshot though.

From looking at the code, my assumption is that the WordPress memberships that are meant to add users to the Discourse “basic” group have already been created. They will be the Memberpress groups that have the ids 10730 or 10732.

It might be worth double checking this with the person who wrote the code. You can also copy the full code and send it to me in a PM if that helps. Note that I don’t currently have WordPress setup locally, so I’m not in a position to test it.

It indeed maps by the name.

What is important is that your code snippet ends with something like

$params['add_groups'] = implode(',', $add_groups);
$params['remove_groups'] = implode(',', $remove_groups);
return $params;

I remember forgetting the implode more than once in my life.

Thanks @simon and @RGJ the groups configuration was the lest step. It indeed worked. :muscle: