Migration from SAS to self-hosted kubernetes

Hello everyone:

I’m in the process of migrating my Discourse installation from the SAS version to a Kubernetes environment using the charts provided by Bitnami. I’ve encountered difficulties when trying to restore exported database backups and also when installing the necessary plugins following the chart instructions. Additionally, I’ve changed the domain name.Should I install the plugins before restoring the backups? Is there any available guide I could follow to carry out this procedure more effectively? I appreciate any guidance or suggestions on the steps I should take. Thanks in advance for the help!

Bitnami is not a supported install, so you will likely need to ask them for help with this.


The bitnami image is probably on stable, so if you want to use it you’ll likely need to wait until the next stable release in 6-8 months. It’ll be lots easier to do a standard install, and unless you’ve got much more than a million page views/month, a single VM is probably Good Enough.

If you do want k8s you can use launcher to build an image that you run with k8s. ./launcher start-cmd will give you the settings you need to start the image.

Changing the domain name isn’t a big deal, as if you do a restore it’ll remap everything.

The bigger issue is to make sure that your backup includes the images and not links to them on the SAS S3 bucket.