- statement_descriptor_help: Extra information about a product which will appear on your customer’s credit card statement.
- plan_help: Create a pricing plan to subscribe customers to this product.
- description: Description
- description_help: This describes your subscription product.
- repurchaseable: Repurchaseable?
- repurchase_help: Allow product and associated plans to be purchased multiple times
- active: Active
- active_help: Toggle this off until your product is ready for consumers.
- created_at: Created
- updated_at: Updated
- product_help: Before cutomers can subscribe to your site, you need to create at least one product and an associated plan.
- plans:
- title: Pricing Plans
- operations:
- add: Add New Plan
- create: Create Plan
- update: Update Plan
- create_help: Once a pricing plan is created, only its nickname, trial period and user group can be updated.
- new: New Plan
- destroy:
- confirm: Are you sure you want to destroy this plan?