Move a Discourse site to another VPS with rsync

Sadly, the backup doesn’t successfully load when attempted – the databases seem to have diverged in some way. I’ll try to dig the /etc/passwd out of the container, though it’s a lot of hassle when the container’s not up.

Will it not restore or can you not get it to the server to restore it?

Won’t restore. I could try it again on a fresh install but the logs I saw before the importer stopped running talked about field mismatches. It’s an old… 2.9.x instance, I think? Don’t have my notes handy.

For the record, one of our smart guys figured out how to rsync the proper permissions the container needs in order for PostgreSQL to run:

rsync -rog --delete --perms --numeric-ids root@x.x.x.x:/var/discourse/ /var/discourse
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